Friday, November 17, 2006

Dawn of the blah.....

So far, I've been surviving on 5 hours of sleep and I've been up for 17 hours. And I probably will be up even longer looking at the meteor shower. That's a good and bad thing. Anyways, today was day 2 of our play. Yesterday was opening night. YAY! It's so fun to just sit up in the lights booth and do nothing but talk and joke around. And play with yo-yo's and string. Yes, people still play with yo-yo's. This one guy, Joey, has some mad skill with the yo-yo!He's only been playing for 4 years, but dude!!!! He's frickin awesome. He competes regionally and state. And against all logic, he can yo-yo with the string not being tied around the yo-yo. Seriously. His yo-yo will come off the string and he'll catch it on the string and do these sweet moves. He's caught it in mid air! Anyways we had a small audience opening night since it was a Thursday. There were WAY more people today. We were putting up a gel to cover the light in our booth(a gel is colored stuffs) and I had to hold it up so Joey could tape it, but I could not stop laughing for no apparent reason. Chuckles strikes again!(by the way, that's what my dad calls me ever since my first orthodontics appointment to get spacers in and I could not stop laughing)(and no, I was not high and did not have laughing gas). I had a Carne Asada burrito which was super delicioso! And it's in the Southern California style, not the "let's-just-add-rice-and-beans-and-say it's-authentic" carne asada burrito. My dad was ecstatic to find a place that served it the same way it's made in San Diego. If your ever in VA Beach, go to Diego's Taco Shop, it's got ton of yummy mexican. Things are just fine and dandy at school.It's the same boring stuff. I got 4 A's and 4 B's for the first 9 weeks.I would have all A's if I was anywhere but in Virginia.Oh well. G is still ignoring me and K, even though she said that she wasn't mad at me, but just wanted some quiet time to herself. Yeah, and that's why she talks to other people and ignores the fact I exist. Yes, we believe that you're not being a bi-och and acting like you're all superior just because people aren't as sane or as "sophisticated" as you are. I'm really getting sick of her. She should straight-forwardly tell me why the hell she's ignoring me for 3 weeks and why she won't even recognize I exist. She won't even talk to K. She claims the "back of the bus is too noisy." Yeah, like sitting in the front is gonna help. It's sad that she thinks she makes sense and we'll believe her excuses. I know I'm not the nicest person, or even the quietest person, but I don't make up lies like that and ignore any friend that hangs out with a person I don't like. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with and I know I can be annoying as hell, but the least she can do is say why she's ignoring everyone from SMS. People don't all of the sudden ignore their best friends and make up excuses. It's called courtesy. End rant. So I'll leave you to deal with my rambling while I go and munch on my burrito. Cheers!

Friday, November 10, 2006

And Life goes on...

So it's almost been two weeks since G has said anything to me. And I really don't care. She told K that she just wanted "peace and quiet time to herself." Yeah, she's gonna get that around school. She didn't seem to mind talking to others though. Strange...does she really think me, K, and A are dense. That's insulting to our intelligence to think we would believe her. Yes, because it's bloody logical to ignore all of your friends and say you just want to be alone. I personally don't care anymore. If she wants to be like that, fine, she can ignore me all she wants. Anyways, things are gonna get hectic this week. We've got our play coming out next Thursday,Friday, and Saturday which means staying after school nearly the entire week. And the only thing I'm going to do is spotlighting three scenes. Mostly boring work since a lot of time passes between the scenes. And I've still got to find some volunteer work for this semester. If anyone knows of any place needing volunteers 14 or up in Va. Beach or whatever, give me a shout out. God knows I've got nothing else to do except go to school and do homework. On a lighter note, I found a really funny(in mi opinion) joke online. I thought it was funny, though you may not think so. This is where my demented humor comes into play. I nearly choked on my drink when I read it. So I'll leave this post on a funny and demented note. Cheers!

" One day a Russian man found an old tea pot. Finding that, he rubbed it and a genie came out. The genie then said this, " I will grant you any wish that you ask me. But know this, anything that you get, your neighbor will receive twofold. What is it you request?"
Well, the Russian man thought about it for a moment and then he made his wish. " I wish for you to poke one of my eyes out."