Thursday, January 25, 2007


Okay, so maybe it's not that extreme. Today was a sorta crappy day for me. And I've been cynical about there being any sighting of snow or anything snow-ish. But I must say that today is ending good. Because......IT'S SNOWING! Okay, not so much snowing as there being a brief period of crystallized water falling. But it was so cool. I mean, now, it might snow and we got the day off tomorrow, too. It's perfect! We finished our exams, we get snow, and we get the day off tomorrow(since it's staff day). We here in the Beach get our cake and eat it too. With style. Maybe there will actually be snow that sticks during the night. All I can say is that even that small period of semi-snow has made me feel happier. So I'm gonna freeze my butt off(and fingers) outside looking up like a turkey with its mouth open and look for snow. If you happen to see a girl outside in a brown hoodie, that's me, being my crazy self. Snow is just the perfect remedy for getting out of my slump. Huzzah!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's a zombie!

No, wait, it's me. Can anyone say dark circles?Midterms are this week and I have two more to go. Spanish and Algebra 2/Trig. I'm scared. But not as scared as I was today. U.S. History and Orchestra. I think I bombed the playing part of the exam since I rushed like crazy and couldn't play the really fast part. And I played it out of tune, too. And my G-string came out of the peg last night so I was panicking. If I had more time I would have played slower, but I had a bus to catch. Hopefully my mum really does let me drop Orchestra. I hate it and the whole "audition-for-a-seat-and-give-yourself-a-heart-attack" That's what happens to me. I don't like playing by myself all alone. I like to be in a group with no pressure. My mum may make me take private lessons if I do drop it, though since I think she still thinks I like playing the violin. Yes, I do sometimes, but not for concerts.I just like messin around and playing for fun. I really should be doing my math homework and getting an outline for the essay portion of the math exam. Crazy, I know. I'm either feeling really depressed this week or way to sappy cuz I've been listening to "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan and other assorted songs that are sad like "Good Enough" by Evanescence. Hopefully next week I won't feel like breaking down and I can make a better update on life. Meh. I don't even have the energy to act crazy anymore. Too hard when I've got the ever present headache from hell.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Incognito was I....

I'm baaaaaaaAAAAAAAck! Buahahahahhahaahahha! Okay, so nothings really changed 'cept me and G are friends again. Apparently, she was mad at me because she thought I was mad at her. Crazy, huh. She said I was acting "weirder than usual". I was miffed that she avoided me because she thought I was acting stranger than usual(which, my dear Watson, is not possible since I act completely strange all the time) So things are back to normal and thank whatever God there is. I honestly can't say I was mad at her, since I can't hold a grudge to throw a sponge. Highly affronted and hurt that she would stop talking to me, yes, but not mad. My bro came back from the Land of the Buffalo(i.e. North Dakota) and caused havoc. He spent really one full day at home(Christmas) then spent the rest of the days asleep or at his friends house. And blowing money he doesn't have. Which got the parental units pissed and annoyed. He never learns that their not Bill Gates, they don't have tons of money. Least he could do was spend a little more time at home, maybe watch a movie or eat dinner. But nooooooooooooo, of course not. Anyways, midterms are upon me and I have to start studying my little butt off to gain some sort of knowledge(knowledge, what is that?) of past lessons. And get this, I have one in orchestra. Urg, vile, evil, unholy test it will be. Besides the point, that is. Online quiz, I have taken. Enjoy the results, you shall. Stop talking as Yoda, I should...
Pure Geek: (34% nerd, 52% Geek, 39% dork)
For the Record: A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social interactions/expectation.

You scored better than half in Geek, earning you the title of: Pure Geek
It's not that you're a school junkie, and you really don't stand out in a crowd, like the dork, you just have some interests that aren't quite mainstream. Perhaps it's anime, perhaps its computers, perhaps its bottlecaps, perhaps it's all of those and more. Your interests take you to events and gatherings that are filled with people you find unusual and beyond pale, but you don't quite consider yourself "of that crowd" Instead, you consider yourself to be fairly normal. Which, you are.
Congratulations!You're one on the Right