Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's a zombie!

No, wait, it's me. Can anyone say dark circles?Midterms are this week and I have two more to go. Spanish and Algebra 2/Trig. I'm scared. But not as scared as I was today. U.S. History and Orchestra. I think I bombed the playing part of the exam since I rushed like crazy and couldn't play the really fast part. And I played it out of tune, too. And my G-string came out of the peg last night so I was panicking. If I had more time I would have played slower, but I had a bus to catch. Hopefully my mum really does let me drop Orchestra. I hate it and the whole "audition-for-a-seat-and-give-yourself-a-heart-attack" That's what happens to me. I don't like playing by myself all alone. I like to be in a group with no pressure. My mum may make me take private lessons if I do drop it, though since I think she still thinks I like playing the violin. Yes, I do sometimes, but not for concerts.I just like messin around and playing for fun. I really should be doing my math homework and getting an outline for the essay portion of the math exam. Crazy, I know. I'm either feeling really depressed this week or way to sappy cuz I've been listening to "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan and other assorted songs that are sad like "Good Enough" by Evanescence. Hopefully next week I won't feel like breaking down and I can make a better update on life. Meh. I don't even have the energy to act crazy anymore. Too hard when I've got the ever present headache from hell.

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