Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Angry Rant of an Enraged Mad Person

Society is going down into the dumps, I swear. Have you seen the merchandise being sold to little kids these days?!?!? You know that society is going bad when little girls want to look like skanky ho's. I mean, come on! They want to wear mini skirts and tight, tiny tops. That's not normal, and sure as hell not right It's degrading to think little girls believe it's alright to look like a slut and act like one too. Bratz teach them that nothing but hair, make up, and boys is important. Parents are breeding their kids into stupid air-headed zombies. Girls will end up brain dead and plastic. Nothing good can come out of Bratz.Or anything else similar to Bratz. These girls are pretending to be something they should not. They're trying to grow up too fast without thinking about the consequences. They see shows like the O.C and think that's what being a teenager is about. It's all superficial to them. They don't know a single thing about being a teenager except what they see on t.v. They'll all just grow up, looking like sluts.They'll become even more vulnerable to sexual predators because they don't see the whole picture. Yeah, Bratz may be popular, but really, why? What happened to Banana's in Pajamas or Madeline. What happened to the good old days. Society has gotten so out of hand in so little years.More and more little girls want cell phones and "teenager" clothes. They all want to grow up without the responsibilities of being grown up. I know there are parents out there that condone these things and teach their girls that wearing mini skirts and wearing real make up is bad for them to do and to not take things like Bratz seriously, and I applaud them. It's the parents who give their child every thing they ask for but don't need that I don't like. Kids need to know the consequences of making bad decisions and that not everything is about make up and hair. Parents, think about this. What would happen if you didn't teach good morals to your child? Most likely, they would do bad things like steal, lie, cheat, and more. The same thing could happen if you allow your girls to grow up thinking the Bratz way is how everything works. They'll have boyfriends and guess what would happen? More than likely, they would not take the threat of pregnancy or STDs seriously and have sex. Yeah, really out there, that idea, right?Wrong. Bratz is so sexual and superficial that it could make girls think and act like that too. Girls want to be "hot" when they're only 7. There is nothing hot about a little girl. They'll be so naive about the world, and they'll make bad choices. They'll be oblivious and self-centered. They won't know what they do is wrong until something bad happens to them. Like being sexually assaulted. What now? I may not know a lot about Bratz, I only see glimpses of them from commercials and whatnot, but I do know from what I have seen that it isn't something I would want my daughter to grow up with if I have one. I wouldn't care if she wanted the "hottest new fashions" because everyone else wore them, I wouldn't care if she threw a tantrum because I wouldn't buy her degrading stuff. I would care about her future. I would not buy things like that, things that she doesn't need to live. If anyone is reading this and thinks "you don't know anything about parenting because you're only a teenager", well, yes, I don't know anything about parenting, but I do know that skanky entertainment and clothes for girls is not a good thing. It's vile and degrading to women. God help us all when brats do start to take over the world End Rant.

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