Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Christmas time is near...

Muahaha... I can't wait till Christmas! It's the time to sing Christmas carols in annoyingly obnoxious voices! So yeah. And an update on why-G-is-not-talking-to-me-still, she was talking to K on Monday and acting all chummy like she hadn't ignored her. And she was sittin by her new best friend. Of course, she was ignoring my existence. And while I really want to know why she's actin like I was am imaginary friend, I don't want to hear excuses. Cuz' her excuse isn't cuttin it since she sat in the seat right by where I sat which was near the end of the bus. Meh. I'm not gonna say anything to her, cuz as I see it, she should be the one to explain things cuz A does not equal Z right now. And I'm just fine right now, E, so ya don't haf'ta worry. Sooner or later she's gonna haf'ta acknowledge me. And everyone who can go should go ice skatin. Wait.....that's this weekend. Coolness.Gotta tell everyone, or we could postpone it till the Saturday before Christmas. It might be crowded. Or more crowded than it is already.Yay! I mean, Yay! on going ice skating possibly since I never went, not Yay! there's crowds. I hate crowds. I think my teachers are tryin to kill us again. I better write it down in my book of nonconspiracies. Nothing much has happened since my last post. I made a yummy no-egg pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. My orchestra has a concert on the 20th and the 2nd violins suck. I'm serious. They can't play together. Everyone plays their own speed. The music is tolerable. I don't like Baroque style that much. I nearly fell asleep in Latin........again. And that would be a bad thing since I sit in the front. But my teacher didn't notice my eyes closing.At least I think so. Hmmm....I thought I had chocolate milk. Must go and retrieve some. Ta for now!

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