Saturday, September 16, 2006

In which I get mushy and over protective...

Another week of school. Urgg... On a plus note, I'm going to New York City to see Spamalot with the Drama Club and either Hairspray or Mama Mia. And when we're not watching one of the plays, we get to go where ever we want in NYC. It's going to be so cool. And I'll have my best bud S there with me. Watch out NYC! I swear I was going to die because of my homework. Hrmm.... death by Homework, not exactly nice. Like Alg2/trig. The Bane of All Evil. I did 3 hours alone for it each time I had that class. I kid you not. And I get to help out old people next week for the IBSO( International Baccalaureate Student Organization)(Isn't it such a long title?) Anyfoo, I have to do community service and what better way than by with a school sanctioned club?Joy. So long as they don't make me drink prune juice, I'll be a happy camper at the retirement home. Surprisingly, I was really protective and mother henning of my friend today. She passed out because she didn't eat much and went to P.E. and I went all angry Q with the whole ranting about Stupid Idiotic People Who Can't Do Their Jobs.I was, dare I say it, concerned. I mean, K passed out in the middle of the hall during class and no one saw her, not even the guys who watch the cameras?? And that janitor was so mean to her. The lady told her to go to the nurse, when K didn't even know where it was. Can I say rude, much. *grumbles* Obviously Dumber McStupid doesn't care much.Meh. They should be glad I don't go to K's school......Anydoo.......Soylent Green is made of People. Remember that. It'll save your life. Oh, and I'll have a quote or two with every post so you can bask in my glorious quoting knowledge....Por Ejemplo(for example, oh ye of little Spanish)In a world of Cheerios, be a Fruitloop. Wise words.Wise Words.Another:A good friend is someone that will come to the jailhouse to bail you out. But best friend is the one that is sitting next to you saying,"Damn....That was fun." One last one to make you think:Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think. Very true, very true. Peace and Cheese

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