Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm creative, but don't expect me to be neat...

It's been over a week since my last post!Procrastination at its finest(or worst). I swear this past week has been like test week. Let's recap on all the wonderful tests and/or quizzes I've taken:an algebra 2/trig test, a u.s. history test, a Latin Scripta quiz, a Latin Chapter 2 vocab quiz, SAT10 test(two for math, two for Reading and Comprehension), Four Spanish quizzes(two for each list of vocab words), and yes, I have at least one more quiz to go. Oh, and we can't forget certification. Yay. I'm going to be a glorified errand girl. Okay, so I'll be more than that. I'm part of the Lights crew for my high school's Drama. Which means getting certified as a lights techie. Which means just getting certified for the spot lights.Joy.And when I can use the board by myself, I can get paid to do other events.Sweet. My friend SM has been MIA for the past week. It's been bugging me and K a lot. We made this funny and angry rant of doom on her voicemail. For some odd reason I've picked up knitting again.Odd, yes, I know, but it is really addictive.Even though it's lumpy and so deformulateder that it bears no resemblance to the beginnings of a scarf.Nur.Meh. My desk's getting messy again. My dad is so gonna yell at me. He just doesn't understand the inner workings of a good mess. Big brother G called today. Said he was cold.Gee, I wonder why, he's only living in North Dakota without a heavy jacket. Alas, me being the wonderful sister that I am offered to knit a scarf.That'll only take a couple of months.Bring on the flippers.Oh, and some words of wisdom are:"Do not follow my footsteps for I run into walls." "Genius is border to insanity, and insanity drives the sane away" "everybody is somebody else's weirdo" Since the time I have to go to sleep is near in order for me to get at least 7 hours of sleep, I bid you adieu and in the words of my Earth Science teacher,"Like, stars, dude, twinkle, twinkle."

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