Monday, October 23, 2006

Procrastination attacks......with big pointy teeth

Well, it's been waaay to long since my last post. So a recap of my NYC trip. It was cool, I just wished my chaperone didn't get us lost on the train, we could've gone somewhere else instead of Chinatown.Which,by the way, wasn't really much China-y. Then we went to Macy's, which was huuuge. I wish we could've gone to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Arts and the U.N. building. Maybe some other time when I will have more time. And Spamalot was THE BEST SHOW EVER!!! Oh my god, my love for Monty Python has increased soooo much. Someone should make a cult or something devoted to the brilliance of John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman, and Terry Jones.I'm not worthy. I laughed my @$$ off so much during the play. Finland!!!!!! Oh my god....... I've soo been worshipping the cd I got. It was totally worth it. If you ever go to NYC, go see Spamalot, you will not regret it. Soo funny.... On the other hand, The Drowsy Chaperone wasn't that great. I mean, it might be because I'm not an adult(because mostly the adults were laughing) but it was boring. I nearly fell asleep like 8 times. No joke. My friend did fall asleep. The only funny part was when they had this Asian thing goin on,"What is it about Asians that make Caucasians confused..." or something like that. It was funny, probably because it wasn't even the real "Play". The play is about this old play that this guy likes and it comes to life when he plays his record player. Really weird. So life is back to normal now, sadly. I have to wear a toga one of these days for the Latin float for Homecoming, I have no freaking clue what possessed me to sign up.Ouch, my hands are hurting. One thing I don't like about the cold is that it makes my joints freeze up and it makes typing hard. Only because my dad never turns on the heater. Grr... I have a Spanish thing to do. I really don't want to talk into a tape recorder. How old fashioned is that??

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