Thursday, October 12, 2006

What can I say, my freakiness amuses me...

I think it's safe to say my level of insanity has risen a notch or two since the beginning of summer. Obviously, my friends don't mind one bit since they're used to it. I think. G sometimes is surprised by how random and weird I can be. Meh. That's G for ya. Anyfur...................huh, I wonder what I was going to say...........ahah! S is going out with a junior. Slightly weird, but hey, I don't know him so I can't judge him. But I wonder who the heck he is........I need to use my super(not!)sleuthing skills. And I need to do that without sounding stalkerish. I did the mile today and I managed to not kill myself doing it. Chocolate for me! Tomorrow I am so going to be in New York. Sad thing is, I will probably be up for like possibly 48 hours. Hopefully I get sleep or else my sleep deprived self will fall asleep during the musical or on the subways. At least there's starbucks. I really wanna go into a museum or something.With really old ancienty stuff.Cuz everyone knows ancienty stuff is waaay better than stuff. Maybe I can manipulate my group into going to one. Sadly, G will not be joining us since she gets to go to NYC with her parents some other time. But, I will have GG with me.I can't wait to see Spamalot!!!!I am so psyched. Prepare New York, For I am taking you by Storm!!MUAHAHAHHAHAHA.*cough*Anyways, I was looking through some old nostalgic(hey!Big word!) photos from the end of last year's school(really, doesn't seem so long ago). The picture you see are of my best buds from left to right,E(who's real name starts with K),G(who's real name is actually S, but not the S I talked about with the junior bf),J(who's real name does start with a J), and K(who's name actually starts with a J).And If you are wondering about my first name initials, you're out of luck. You can guess and ponder the meaning of Q and if it really is my initial or not. It is not a random letter of the alphabet, though.So I leave you with the question of whether or not Q is the first letter of my real name or not....

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